Grande Sertão
Great Sertão
Monday November 4th, 7:45 pm
Fiction, Action —
Grande Sertão
Fiction, Action —
Director: Guel Arraes
Producers: Manoel Rangel, Egisto Betti, and Heitor Dhalia
In a gigantic community in the Brazilian periphery called “Great Sertão,” the war between police and bandits brings forth the conflicts between loyalty and betrayal, life and death, love and courage, God and the devil. Riobaldo becomes involved in crime out of love for Diadorim, one of the bandits, but never musters the courage to reveal his passion.
Caio Blat (Riobaldo), Luisa Arraes (Diadorim), Luis Miranda (Zé Bebelo), Rodrigo Lombardi (Joca Ramiro), Eduardo Sterblitch (Hermógenes), Mariana Nunes (Otacília), and Luellem de Castro (Nhorinhá)
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